Friday, May 15, 2009

pets have horoscopes

Most people know their sign even if they don't know anything about astrology. I will admit to liking to read my horoscopes in the papers and sometimes when I am bored, I read them online.

It is important that you keep your relationships positive and that you make time for loved ones. Sometimes two planets cross or meet each other exactly at the time a person is born. To better understand the meaning of this progression we can look directly at the cyclical process that occurs in nature.

People born between May 21 and June 22 are Geminis. This reassures them in some way that this relationship might work just fine because Mr Right has a compatible birth sign to theirs. One can never be bored when in a relationship with an Aquarian.

Our job with the Sun in Scorpio is to be role models for others in the highest use of power. With this new knowledge we can create systems or theories of knowledge that we can then disseminate to others.

Lunin Horoskop Horoskop Slo

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