Monday, January 5, 2009

zodiac best love partners

Fewer men gain a serious interest in astrology. You all read them in the papers, your daily horoscope, detailing whether you will be lucky in love today or that perhaps you just might want to slow down that steamy office romance that he started a few weeks ago.

These cycles are connector to the world at large. Sure, being born in the same element creates a certain basic understanding between the two of you, but sometimes this can create a relationship where everything feels very familiar and safe. Teens can be best aided by astrology by understanding that the scope of astrology goes far beyond simple predictions, and even more important, that even predictions themselves are only a matter of what is likely to occur, that the person himself or herself has a great ability to influence what actually does occur, by his or her own responses to the events which happen each day.

Daily horoscopes can help you understand how others are affecting your day, but only if you know their sun sign and time of birth. Wide-set eyes may reveal a person who is cautious and watchful, while close set eyes hint at a limited thought span. This is an excellent balance of energy between masculine and feminine, impulsive and deliberate.

The Leo principle relates to the ripening and expression of one's creative energies. It will be a blessing to both them and you.

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