You may be able to read someone s character by studying his or her face. Frequently, when a girlfriend has met a new man, she ll ask me if I can take a look at his birth chart and see if they match.
People born between March 21 and April 20 are Aries. If you believe, you will be living on the edge, attempting to read into each statement a special message of love and romance. There are many variations available.
This can be a wonderful asset for any teenager or young adult who is at the stage in life where he or she wishes to make solid decisions and plans for the future. The first part is in seeing one's future predictions in terms of what is likely to occur, and to gain an understanding on how to affect changes to one's course of action in order to result in a positive outcome. At this time of year we can attune more deeply with our compassion for others and experience true selflessness; giving to others instead of thinking of our selves.
Whatever we resist persists, so try to find ways to communicate and clear up the past so you can move on. As for everything else you might want to take it with a grain of salt.
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